Minutes of the Faculty Senate
Last Updated: Feb 03, 2025, 02:37 PM
Meeting convened at 2:15 p.m. by Peggy Stockdale, 2007-2008 President.
Members present: James S. Allen (for Peggy Stockdale), Mark A. Amos, Gary Apgar, Jon D. Davey, Joan M. Davis, Stephen D. Ebbs, James S. Ferraro, Philip C. Howze, H. Randy Hughes, Kathryn A. Hytten, Sanjeev Kumar, Mary E. Lamb, Douglas W. Lind, Michael J. Lydy, Cathy C. Mogharreban, Don Rice (ex officio), Thomas A. Shaw, Gerald R. Spittler, Peggy Stockdale, Thomas H. Tarter, Brooke H. H. Thibeault, Rebecca J. Weston, Kay M. Zivkovich.
Members absent: Samuel Goldman (ex officio), Allan Karnes (ex officio), Spyros Tragoudas (ex officio), Russ Trimble (ex officio).
Members absent without proxy: Edward J. Alfrey, Joseph Brown, Terry Clark, Carl R. Flowers, David A. Lightfoot, Lori Merrill-Fink, R. William Rowley, Mohammad R. Sayeh, Pamela A. Smoot, Matt R. Whiles.
P. Stockdale welcomed new and returning Senators. She indicated that normally there would be discussion regarding the orientation to the Faculty Senate. The duties and responsibilities of the Senate are posted on the web. She will not review them, but will answer any questions or direct them to the appropriate person. Also posted were the roles of the Faculty Senate officers. Elections for those positions will be held shortly. Senators will also be asked for their standing committee preferences. P. Stockdale noted that the only standing committee whose members are elected is the Committee on Committees; members serve for two years. Continuing members of that committee are: J. Davey, M. Lamb and K. Zivkovich. After election of the officers will be the balloting for four Committee on Committees members. This committee is an important one, as it appoints Senate representatives to search committees and the various University committees.
K. Zivkovich asked if the Senate representatives to University committees ever come back to the Senate to share information on what they have done, how often they have met, etc. P. Stockdale responded that committee members have recently been contacted about providing reports, and thus far two have been received. She added that the Judicial Review Board also provides an annual report each December. K. Zivkovich commented that, in regards to the role of Senators on the Faculty Senate, it is important to take what the Senate discusses at its meetings and share it with colleagues because the Senate represents them. P. Stockdale indicated that a year or so ago, the idea was also discussed that Faculty Senators ought to be meeting regularly with their deans and be part of their executive committee or chair/directors meetings. She is unsure how systematically that is done around the different colleges, but it is something new Senators may want to talk about with their deans. R. Hughes commented that another avenue of communication is the Faculty Senate listserv. It was noted there are two listservs; one is an announce list, and the other is a subscriber list. P. Stockdale suggested possibly posting something on the announce list that there is a subscriber list to which any subscribed faculty member can post.
1. P. Stockdale relinquished her seat to allow J. Allen to conduct the election of officers. He noted that as P. Stockdale and S. Kumar are candidates for president and vice president, respectively, it would be inappropriate for either to conduct this portion of the meeting. He then opened the floor to nominations for President, noting that one candidate, P. Stockdale, had previously announced her candidacy. Hearing no other nominations, a motion was approved to close nominations.
P. Stockdale was elected President for 2008-09 by acclamation.
2. J. Allen opened the floor to nominations for Vice President, noting that one candidate, S. Kumar, had previously announced his candidacy. Hearing no other nominations, a motion was approved to close nominations.
S. Kumar was elected Vice President for 2008-09 by acclamation.
3. J. Allen opened the floor to nominations for Secretary, noting that one candidate, M. Lamb, had previously announced her candidacy. Hearing no other nominations, a motion was approved to close nominations.
M. Lamb was elected Secretary for 2008-09 by acclamation.
J. Allen expressed appreciation to the officers for their willingness to serve. P. Stockdale thanked J. Allen for his service as well.
P. Stockdale reported there are four vacancies on the Committee on Committees. She indicated if there are more than four nominations, a paper ballot will be distributed; otherwise, there will be a vote by acclamation. She then opened the floor to nominations/volunteers to fill the four vacancies. The following people were nominated to serve: P. Howze, M. Amos, R. Weston and R. Hughes. Hearing no other nominations, P. Stockdale called for a vote by acclamation.
Committee on Committees appointments were approved by acclamation.
P. Stockdale indicated there would be a brief adjournment to allow the Committee on Committees to elect its chair and make standing committee assignments. Assignments will be approved at the May 13 Senate meeting. In the meantime, committees should meet and elect a chair or designate a person to attend the May 6 Executive Council meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 2:34 p.m.