Minutes of the Faculty Senate
Last Updated: Feb 03, 2025, 02:37 PM
The meeting was convened at 1:56 p.m. by President Peggy Stockdale, 2008-2009.
Members present: Om P. Agrawal, James S. Allen, Gary A. Apgar, Lisa B. Brooten, Sandra K. Collins, Lisabeth A. DiLalla, James S. Ferraro, James E. Garvey, Philip C. Howze, H. Randy Hughes, Kathryn A. Hytten, Allan L. Karnes, Sanjeev Kumar, Mary E. Lamb, Douglas W. Lind, Michael J. Lydy, Marla H. Mallette, Lori Merrill-Fink, Cathy C. Mogharreban, Benjamin F. Rodriguez, Jose R. Ruiz, Gerald R. Spittler, Peggy Stockdale, Brooke H. H. Thibeault, Rebecca J. Weston, John Winings (for Joan M. Davis), Kay M. Zivkovich.
Members absent: Thomas Britton (ex officio), Samuel Goldman (ex officio), Don Rice (ex officio).
Members absent without proxy: Edward J. Alfrey, Joseph Brown, Stephen D. Ebbs, David A. Lightfoot, Thomas H. Tarter.
1. P. Stockdale reported that Senators should have received with their agenda the duties and responsibilities of the Senate, the officers and the standing committees. She indicated there is an operating paper for the Faculty Senate, and Senators do discuss and make recommendations on any matters related to the welfare of the academic mission of the University. There are a number of issues that come to the Senate through the administration, but this body is free to take initiatives on any concerns identified by the faculty. Her hope is that Senators will be the eyes and ears of the campus and bring any issues that arise to the attention of the full Senate.
2. P. Stockdale discussed the role of the Faculty Senate President; S. Kumar reviewed the role of the Vice President; and M. Lamb reviewed the role of the Secretary.
3. Former members from each of the Faculty Senate standing committees briefly reviewed the roles of those committees.
4. A. Karnes discussed his role as SIU's representative to the Faculty Advisory Council to the IBHE.
1. P. Stockdale opened the floor to nominations for President, noting that one candidate, P. Howze, previously announced his candidacy. Hearing no other nominations, P. Howze made a brief statement on his candidacy.
P. Howze was elected President for 2009-2010 unanimously on a voice vote.
2. P. Stockdale opened the floor to nominations for Vice President, noting that one candidate, S. Kumar, previously announced his candidacy. Hearing no other nominations, S. Kumar made a brief statement on his candidacy.
S. Kumar was elected Vice President for 2009-2010 unanimously on a voice vote.
3. P. Stockdale opened the floor to nominations for Secretary, noting that one candidate, M. Lamb, previously announced her candidacy. Hearing no other nominations, M. Lamb made a brief statement on her candidacy.
M. Lamb was elected Secretary for 2009-2010 unanimously on a voice.
P. Stockdale reported there are four vacancies to be filled on the Committee on Committees for two year terms. However, since P. Howze has been elected president and has stepped down as a member of the committee, there is a fifth vacancy to be filled for a one year term. She opened the floor to nominations/volunteers, noting if there are more than five candidates, a paper ballot will be distributed.
The following people were nominated to serve: P. Stockdale, who volunteered to fill the one year term; O. Agrawal; G. Spittler; B. Rodriguez; and J. Ferraro. Hearing no other nominations, P. Stockdale called for the vote.
Committee on Committees appointments were unanimously approved on a voice vote.
P. Stockdale indicated that at this time, Senators will be asked to complete and return their committee preference forms. There will be a brief adjournment to allow the new and continuing members of the Committee on Committees to elect a chair and determine standing committee assignments. She asked Senators to stay afterward so that the standing committees could organize and elect their chairs.
P. Howze reminded Senators that the Illinois Higher Education Lobby Days will be held on May 6 in Springfield.
The meeting adjourned at 2:41 p.m.