Minutes of the Faculty Senate
Last Updated: Feb 03, 2025, 02:37 PM
Meeting convened at 1:33 p.m. by Phil Howze, 2009-2010 President.
Members present: Om P. Agrawal, Angela Aguayo (for Jyotsna Kapur), James S. Allen, Ira J. Altman, Mark A. Amos, Ken B. Anderson, Gary Apgar, Kimberly Asner-Self, Connie J. Baker, Lisa B. Brooten, Ronald A. Caffey, Joan M. Davis, Lisabeth A. DiLalla, Stephen D. Ebbs, Buffy Ellsworth (for James A. MacLean), James S. Ferraro, Kelly Glassett (for Marla H. Mallette), Stephanie Graves, Allan L. Karnes, Michelle Kibby-Faglier, Sanjeev Kumar, Mary E. Lamb, Michael J. Lydy, Susan Pearlman (for Cathy C. Mogharreban), Diane Muzio, William Recktenwald, Benjamin F. Rodriguez, Jose R. Ruiz, Gerald R. Spittler, Thomas H. Tarter, Brooke H. H. Thibeault, James Wall.
Members absent: Samuel Goldman, (ex officio), Eric Hellgren (ex officio), Don Rice (ex officio).
Members absent without proxy: Sandra K. Collins, James E. Garvey, Douglas W. Lind, Jonathan S. Wiesen.
P. Howze reported that much of the meeting is pro forma, with election of officers and assignments of Senators to the standing committees, the latter occurring toward the end of the meeting. He noted that orientation materials were provided to Senators with the agenda, in particular the duties of the officers for anyone interested in holding one of those positions. Also, as an historical note, Faculty Senates have nine main functions which were sanctioned by a 1923 letter of the AAUP that delineates what the faculty role is in the milieu of shared governance. P. Howze offered to send the citation to [any of the elected officers] so they will know what Faculty Senates, by and large, do and do not do.
P. Howze noted that in addition to the material on the orientation, Senators now have an opportunity to review the candidate statements for the offices of President, Vice President and Secretary of the Senate, which is this Senate's first formal order of business. Candidates will be given the opportunity to speak before a vote on each office is taken.
1. P. Howze recognized J. Ferraro and then S. Kumar, who both made brief candidacy statements for the office of President. He then recognized G. Apgar and G. Spittler, who both made brief candidacy statements for the office of Vice President. P. Howze recognized L. DiLalla and M. Lamb, who both made brief candidacy statements for the office of Secretary. P. Howze then reviewed the preferential voting procedures, which state that "if there are at most two nominees for an office, election shall be by majority vote of the members present and voting."
P. Howze opened the floor for other nominations for President. Hearing none, he called for other nominations for the office of Vice President. Hearing none, he called for other nominations for the office of Secretary. Hearing none, paper ballots were distributed for the vote for President.
S. Kumar was elected President for 2010-2011 by a vote of 17-14.
Paper ballots were distributed for a vote on the office of Vice President.
G. Apgar was elected Vice President for 2010-2011 by a vote of 23-8.
Paper ballots were distributed for a vote on the office of Secretary.
M. Lamb was elected Secretary for 2010-2011 by a vote of 16-15.
P. Howze reported there are three vacancies to be filled on the Committee on Committees for two year terms. He opened the floor to nominations/volunteers.
The following people were nominated to serve: K. Anderson, M. Kibby-Faglier, K. Asner-Self and M. Amos. M. Amos removed his name from consideration since he has only one year remaining on his Senate term. A motion was made and seconded to close nominations.
Motion to close nominations was approved on a voice vote.
J. Allen moved to elect all three nominees by acclamation.
Motion carried.
P. Howze asked that Senators turn in their committee preference forms.
1. P. Howze announced that President Poshard is hosting what is being called "Retirement II" for Chancellor Goldman on April 30.
2. P. Howze announced that after adjournment, the new and continuing members of the Committee on Committees will meet to [elect a chair] and determine standing committee assignments.
3. G. Apgar asked for a round of applause, which was given, for P. Howze for his service as President of the Faculty Senate.
The meeting adjourned at 2:13 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ellen Lamb, 2010-2011 Secretary